Drew Weinheimer, RA is an award-winning registered architect from Pittsburgh, PA. He has projects successfully built in the United States and abroad totaling more than $200M, and much more under construction. With project experiences varying greatly in program, scale, and construction types, Drew’s experience allows him draw on a broad design lexicon for unique project solutions. From hospitals, to commercial fit-outs, to schools, laboratories, single-family homes, and even the tallest residential tower in the world, Drew has been a proven leader in the design process for over 16 years.
Additionally, Drew has become a regional expert in emerging design technology, notably Building Information Modeling (BIM). He has presented and lectured on various aspects of the technology in the Pittsburgh area. Drew has been an early adopter of new design technologies that improve the design process, including 3D printing and digital fabrication, augmented reality, and visual programming. By exploiting new technology, Drew illuminates the design process for all involved in decision-making . By allowing more in-depth views of the design as it progresses, better feedback is elicited and incorporated. Around this robust and explorative process, Hemisphere Architecture LLC was born.
For Drew’s complete curriculum vitae click here